
Hi friends! My name is Courtney (that’s me up there in the plaid) and I’m so excited to welcome you to Thread Tales of Austin! ✨

Since this is my introduction (Hello World!), I should probably start with my move to ATX 6 years ago, and how basically every day since I’ve been daydreaming, writing, photographing & developing this creative outlet to share my [very unique, often quirky with a dash of humor] perspective on fashion. It’s something I just love so much. I love how it’s an expression of how you feel, what it represents during those precious moments in life, and how you can find inspiration from it in the most uncanny places, in almost every minute of the day.✨

I’m scared shitless to share my fashion point-of-view with the world (i.e. 1-5 followers if I play my cards right) because Thread Tales of Austin is not just my story to tell, it’s a collection of stories from the people who’s fashion & style inspires me every single day.✨

So the one thing that is keeping me from running scared (again) and deleting this altogether is knowing there is an amazing tale behind every style, and I can’t wait to share yours Austin💛✨

With Love to ATX,

P.S. Walking up to complete strangers (and soon to be friends amiright?!) to tell them that you love their outfit, then asking if they’d be willing to share what inspired it AND if they would let me take their picture to-boot is A LOT. I get it. So hoping the “creeper vibes” wear off soon, but in the meantime go easy on me & at least let me know where you shop🌈