
Hi friends!

My name is Courtney (that’s me up there in the plaid) and I’m so excited to welcome you to Thread Tales of Austin!

205 1/2 Congress Avenue - Women Supporting Women

205 1/2 Congress Avenue - Women Supporting Women

205 1/2 Congress Avenue - “Well I usually think of where I want to go each day. So today I knew I was going to the office because KPMG is hosting a ‘Women in Business’ lunch & Condoleeza Rice is speaking, so we all grabbed lunch so we could watch it together.” #GoKPMG #WomenInBusiness #bravaandbravo // #threadtalesatx 

103 W 4th Street - Feeling Like a Flower

103 W 4th Street - Feeling Like a Flower

301 Lavaca Street - That 60's Vintage Vibe

301 Lavaca Street - That 60's Vintage Vibe