Thread Tales of Austin

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Introducing Thread Tales Love: Cody & Jen

Pacific Beach, CA - Last weekend, my husband and I spent the weekend in San Diego with 2 of our closest friends, and in the midst of that perfect Cali weather I had a reflective moment (the only thing missing was a journal to be quite frank). 

I started Thread Tales of Austin because I’ve always been inspired by the fashion & style of Austinites and needed with an unwavering passion, to tell those stories. What I realized in San Diego, is I’m constantly influenced & in awe of my friends, my family and the style that exudes the love they share. So with that, and thanking the good Lord for iPhone Portrait mode, #threadtaleslove was born. 

I’m so excited to share in Cody’s words, how his wife Jen not only inspires his fashion, but the “thing” he finds her to be the most beautiful in….

“I look at a lot of Instagram stuff, kind of beach, kind of casual, but ultimately I try to look nice for Jen.

She has a very unique style of her own and so I try to make sure I compliment her but at the same time have my own style. She likes to have a color theme, monochromatic if you will and I try to copy that too. Like today, she has a big pop-of-pink and I tried to match that with some other kind of color…and yesterday, we both wore a white t-shirt.

I assume when she’s getting dressed, she’s getting dressed for me, just like I do for her. Not just for everyone else. And a lot of partners don’t do that for each other. It’s really out of respect for her.

She really is the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen in my entire life, and honestly she doesn’t even have to be wearing anything and she is still the most beautiful person to me.” #threadtalesatx #loveyouboth @jen_faulk & @calledcodizzle