
Hi friends!

My name is Courtney (that’s me up there in the plaid) and I’m so excited to welcome you to Thread Tales of Austin!

Love is for Everyone

Love is for Everyone

(Shirt - Banana Republic) (Jeans - AGOLDE) (Shoes - Vans)

#mythreadtales “Love is for everyone, and that’s what inspires me today & everyday” 💛💚💙💜🌈 #threadtalesatxpride #morelove // Thank you Banana Republic for creating these amazing Pride T’s, so we can support the incredible love of our LGBTQ friends & family, and community

Red, White, and You

Red, White, and You

201 W Cesar Chavez Street - Friends & Fashion, the perfect duo

201 W Cesar Chavez Street - Friends & Fashion, the perfect duo