Red, White, and You
July 4, 2019 // (Dress - LoveShackFancy)
#mythreadtales - “This past weekend marked 6 years in a row going to Port Aransas, TX for the 4th of July & 5 years seriously crushing on this cutie pie♥️. Each year I try to embrace Americana and go all out with the red, white, and blue - searsucker, stars, denim, white eyelet, bandanas...a sunburn😳. Yes, it’s Independence Day (can I get a hallelujah), but it also reminds me of how much I love this man, and where/when I knew he was my forever...literally fireworks people😉🎇. So in tribute to both, here is a “look back” if you will of our past six July 4th’s together…”
July 4, 2014
July 4, 2015
July 4, 2016
July 4, 2017 - The year we got married
July 4, 2018 // (Bathing Suite - Marysia)